שערות סבתא [Grandmother's Hair] is the English translation from Hebrew for the pink sugary substance known as: Cotton Candy (US), Sugar Floss (UK), Suikerspin (NL) [sugar spider] & Barbe à Papa (France) [papa's beard], شعر البنات [Girls Hair] (Jordan, Palestinian territories)
The performative installation consists of transforming cotton candy from its fluffy pink character to a sticky syrup resembling blood. The poetic experience of metamorphosis initially suggests a ‘childhood environment’ interchanged into a murder scene. The shock in revealing a naked woman’s body creates a grotesque and seductive experience, in turn questioning the viewer’s conceptions upon ‘beauty’, ‘cruelty’ and our moral pre-definitions.
Design and Concept:
Doron Hirsch
Josta Ruby O'niel
Techinacal assistance
Guido Bevers
Prodution assitance
Rose Akras, Theresia Knevel
"Layers of society wash away, all is left, the naked truth"
Comment from an anonymous spectator